Highly recommended! They have an easy to use website. The time we asked for the visit, we did not have availability and we were immediately sent an email offering, within the same day, other alternatives of available hours. A nice experience.
Read More ReviewsAntelope Canyon is really cool, but the person there is really crowded either. Great views along this trek eased a little disappoint during this boring time. Before we arrived at Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe Bend was the first place to visit and this unbelievable view impressed us deeply. The slot Canyon was our destination and it was really wonderful. The tour guide standard is also great, who is knowledgeable and give us more information with the areas we were seeing.
Read More ReviewsIt was my first time to visit this place. And actually, I cannot speak very good English and know a little about Antelope Canyon prior this trip. To be honest, if you asked me what were the differences between upper, lower or X Antelope before this trip, I can told you nothing! It was not very deep to descend to the bottom of Lower Antelope Canyon but also need you to concentrate these steps when the elders or younger you accompanied with. The light filtering through these curved red walls from the top to bottom, with the varied shadows, created such a natural marvel for you to must see.
Read More ReviewsWe were asked to be assembled at Ken’s tickets center prior at least 45 minutes because there were really quite more people waiting there of different agencies, and noted that you must pay more cautious waiting in the right queue, if you miss the right time entering according to your designed time, you would not be refunded anymore or changed alternative time to enter in. Incredible natural environment I had never seen before. Strongly recommended I did for the Lower Antelope Canyon, although these both sides of Antelope Canyon are truly amazing for you to see in your lifetime.
Read More ReviewsGreat experience I had never ever before. Stunning Antelope Canyon, funny but decent tour guide, and explicit illustration combined this wonderful trip. Highly recommended!
Read More ReviewsThe long-time journey did not influence my exciting emotion when I saw the Antelope Canyon. Touring at bus was boring but the soft seats were comfortable. Our tour guide was excellent and could speak English and a little bit of Chinese. This slot canyon was so beautiful, especially in summer. We love all the attractions particularly rambling along with the Horseshoe Bend. Great journey I had never ever experienced before!
Read More ReviewsWe booked the ticket at Wannar.com, really cheaper than other platforms but it did not disappoint our experience any more. Breathtaking views in Lower Antelope Canyon that I thought no other natural attractions I had seen before can compare its beauty. Really AWESOME, really AMAZING! These incredible rocks and ladders made you wonder to know how tiny we are but great of nature it was!
Read More ReviewsMy family and I did thoroughly recommend this trip. We just planned to the Antelope Canyon prior to the trip but unfortunately, the ticket was just sold out so we alternatively choose this one-day tour instead. Prior to Antelope Canyon we traveled to the Horseshoe Bend. Quite beautiful scenery if you wanted to see the river which shape was exactly resembled like the horseshoe, quite interesting as well. The total time we spent at Upper Antelope was nearly 75 minutes but at the meanwhile, truly long boring trek in van we had before arrived at our destination. But this stunning canyon it truly deserved you to spend such long time and this was definitely a worth trip we had chosen either.
Read More ReviewsOne of the most awesome places I have seen and visited, unlikely stunning views to the Grand Canyon, the Lower Antelope Canyon showed more mysterious scenery that you cannot believe such these wonderful places had really existed before you truly seen it by yourself. The price of ticket was reasonable as well. My family also enjoyed this trip either.
Read More Reviews真的非常美!中午的阳光照进去,美呆了,鲍威尔湖也非常美,平静的感觉。这种一日游还是蛮好的,不是很累,景点停的时间也还可以,想看的都能看到,非常满足
Read More Reviews羚羊谷超赞,一定要去上羚羊,上羚羊,上羚羊,中午12点才能看到漂亮的光照,导游很nice啊,酒店接送非常方便,由于是头一天晚上才预订,很快就确认了,也谢谢玩哪儿网的客服小妹悉心帮忙
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